Buy a Filter and we Donate one for Free

These are uncertain times, especially for the most vulnerable people. In your close environment, or in your family, you know a person who deserves your attention during this confinement.

At TAPP Water we have been working for years so that individuals and families have clean and purified water at home, without installation costs, and without having to go to buy water. Many people have to go to buy water with the risk that this poses to their health.

So we want to help the people who need it most. From today until April 30, for each TAPP Water filter you purchase on our website, we will send a filter to the person you choose.

How to make your donation

  1. Buy a filter or subscription on (this website)
  2. E-mail with your order ID, the name of the person you want us to make the donation to, their address and the reason for your choice
  3. Both you and the recipient of your gift will receive the package within 2-5 days

Thank you for supporting our company, helping someone and contributing to a cleaner planet. You are the best!

Send questions to

Note: Donation recipients are limited to Spain, Italy, UK and Germany. The donation can be combined with other offers such as earth day.


April 22, 2020

Written by: Magnus

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