Water filter + Sodastream = healthy, less plastic, save money and increase happiness
Do you like sparkling water?
Great! So do hundreds of millions of other people around the world. It’s refreshing and healthy, as it often replaces other sugary drinks.
Unfortunately there is also a dark side of sparkling water, as more than 75% of sparkling water sold comes in plastic bottles. Out of these, less than 10% are recycled worldwide.
So what’s the alternative to sparkling water?
Water filter + Sodastream!
To produce sparkling water at home you need two things:
- Fresh clean water
- A carbonating device
If you’re lucky then your tap water is already good enough. As a first step just fill up a bottle and put it in the fridge to make it cold.
If the tap water tastes bad and/or is polluted then you can use a quality water filter such as TAPP 1 to turn tap water into clean fresh drinking water.
Then use Sodastream to carbonate the water in a couple of seconds.
With this duo (TAPP 1 + Sodastream) , no more plastic or carrying home bottles and you’ll save up to €100 per year compared to buying sparkling water. Note: Our special offer has ended and we are now out of stock of Sodastream. You can buy Sodastream from Amazon.
Drink and enjoy water filter + Sodastream!
Wait… But carbonated tap water is not mineral water?
Actually it often is. The tap water in e.g. London, Berlin and Barcelona contains as much minerals as Evian water although less than Pellegrino. Read more about minerals in tap water here.
October 23, 2019
Writte by: Magnus